09 September 2007


I love gadgets. I always have. They promise organization beyond belief and the more flashing lights and neat sounds they make, the better. I have or have had many gadgets in my 34 years on Planet Earth. My favorite today is my BlackBerry! She's such a pretty berry. An old berry but a berry nonetheless. She's a FreeBerry. AT&T had it as one of my upgrade options a few weeks ago, and although she's refurbished, I still love her. You can't hate something that's free!!!Her little green flashing light tells me everything is OK. She flashes red when I have something I need to check out. My gmail goes to my berry at the same time it goes to my inbox. Sweetness!! I learn more about her every day. OOh...she just made the email noise!! I thought I would be all over the iPhone and while it is very nice and ooey gooey in the gadget-y way, I can't imagine my life without BlackBerry attached to my hip. She goes to bed with me...well beside me, and turns off by herself...kinda like going to sleep beside me. She wakes up before me usually but only wakes me up if I ask her to. So smart and caring. I think I'll buy her a ring.

Some guys like big screen TVs, home theater systems, lawn equipment. Give me a gadget and I'm a happy camper. Especially when these gadgets interact with car stuff!!! I learned today that if I had a Bluetooth GPS system in my car, I could send directions from my phone to my GPS system. Amazing crap!!!

Ok...I need to find a gadget that will allow me to tell people to read this blog. I don't know why I have it if nobody reads it. Hmmmmm......


Anonymous said...

Eric my love you have spent WAAAYY to much time with your gadget! I think I need to come over and give you some cuddle time!!!! I miss you and I HEART YOU VERY MUCH!!!!!MMWWWAAHH!!!!!

Anonymous said...

maybe you should harass the shit out of people to get them to read it. hmmm... or put crazy, pyscho obsessive notes on their desks? oh wait, you did that. and here i am.