02 August 2006

picture it

The following is an experiment. One of the first local blogs I've seen is that of Rick Lee. You can see it @ http://rickleephoto.blogspot.com/ He's bills himself as a commercial photographer and from what I've seen on his blog, he's very, very good. In the summer of 2005, I bought a digital camera that I'd been salivating over for more than a year. It's a Canon Digital EOS Rebel 6.1 megapixel beauty. I've yet to discover all that it can do, but even in it's most generic mode, it takes awesome pictures. I'd love to learn more about it and I bought a book, but books and I don't get along, especially if I'm the least bit sleepy. In this blog, I'm going to share with you a few of what I consider my personal best, and they'll be chronological, from the time I purchased the camera up to the spring. Again, I may border on putting you, the viewer to sleep, but hopefully you'll get something out of my pictures. So, here we go....

This was taken in Wilmington, North Carolina in June of 2005. I really like the lighting and the clouds and setting sun give a heaven-like appearance.

This is what I call "luck o' the Irish" I was fortunate enough to capture a rainbow my first hour or so in the city of Dublin. Awesome!!

This is not King's Island....it's the real deal and another lucky shot! The night sky was awesome...crisp and clear.

From one great city beginning with a P to another. Now we're in Pittsburgh, PA at Point State Park. The fountain, fed by an underground fourth river, is located at the convergence of the Monongahela and the Allegheny rivers forming the Ohio River.

I think this is enough for now. I've posted a lot more on flickr, a great photo hosting and sharing site. If you'd like to see more of my photographs, visit www.flickr.com/photos/jeghiz

Until the next blog......peace.

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